Closing Panel: Artificial Intelligence for Fraud Prediction and Detection


17 octobre 2024   |   16:50 - 17:30

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing fraud detection, offering unprecedented capabilities to predict and prevent financial crimes. For legal directors, this presents a dual challenge: harnessing AI's power to protect corporate assets while navigating complex regulatory landscapes. The stakes are high – embracing AI could be the key to staying ahead of sophisticated fraudsters, but missteps could lead to severe legal and reputational consequences.

Key points:

• Balancing AI effectiveness with data privacy and ethical concerns
• Regulatory compliance challenges in AI-driven fraud detection
• Legal implications of false positives and algorithmic bias
• Cross-border data sharing and jurisdictional issues in AI fraud prevention
• Liability and accountability in AI-assisted decision making for fraud detection


  • Benoît van den Hove

    CEO, Euronext Brussels
    Member, Managing Board of Euronext Group