Opening Panel: Compliance as Value Creation Factor for Business


17 octobre 2024   |   09:20 - 10:10

Compliance is no longer just about avoiding risks and penalties. It's a strategic opportunity to create tangible value for your business. By embracing a proactive compliance approach, companies can enhance their reputation, drive innovation, and gain a competitive edge. This conference will explore how legal directors can transform compliance from a cost center into a value generator, aligning it with business objectives and stakeholder expectations.

Key points:

• How to quantify and communicate the ROI of compliance initiatives to the board
• Leveraging compliance data and insights to inform strategic decision-making
• Integrating compliance into corporate culture to foster innovation and ethical behavior
• Using compliance as a differentiator to attract customers, investors, and top talent


  • Francis Westelinck

    General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, Danone BeLux

  • Elisabeth Decat

    Legal Manager Regulatory & Compliance, Delhaize Belgium