Internal Corporate Investigation: Challenges and Trends

Track II

17 octobre 2024   |   10:20 - 11:10

Internal corporate investigations have become a critical tool for safeguarding company integrity and mitigating legal risks. As regulatory scrutiny intensifies globally, boards must navigate complex challenges to ensure investigations are thorough, efficient, and legally sound. This conference will explore cutting-edge strategies for conducting effective internal investigations while balancing costs, preserving privilege, and maintaining stakeholder trust.

Key points:

• Evolving regulatory landscape and its impact on internal investigations
• Balancing cost-effectiveness with investigation thoroughness and credibility
• Preserving attorney-client privilege in multi-jurisdictional investigations
• Leveraging technology and data analytics in the investigative process
• Managing reputational risks and stakeholder communications during investigations


  • Stephane Godde

    Head of EMEA Fraud & Security Intelligence in Government & Non-financial services, SAS

  • Gautier Busschaert

    Counsel, Van Olmen & Wynant