Data Protection: Compliance Standards and Challenges

Track II

17 octobre 2024   |   15:30 - 16:20

Data protection compliance is no longer just a legal issue - it's a critical business risk that demands board-level attention. With evolving regulations, hefty fines, and reputational damage at stake, directors must ensure robust governance and oversight of data practices. This conference will equip you with essential insights to navigate the complex landscape of data protection and safeguard your organization.

Key points:

• Evolving regulatory landscape: Keeping pace with new data protection laws across jurisdictions
• Board's role in data governance: Establishing appropriate oversight and accountability structures
• Managing compliance risks: Strategies to mitigate financial and reputational damage
• Data security and breach response: Best practices for prevention and incident management


  • Katrien Martens

    Global Compliance Manager & DPO, Barco

  • Laurent Marlière

    CEO, Dealfox